سبک کدگذاری Qt و QML
نامگذاری سیگنال و نقطه
هر دو سیگنال و اسلات باید از camelCase استفاده کنند. یک سیگنال باید از زمان گذشته ساده یا ضمیمه گذشته یک فعل استفاده کند، احتمالا با یک موضوع کوتاه پیشگویی شده است. یک اسلات مربوط به این باید سیگنال با کلمه "on" و نه کلمه "slot" پیشگویی شده باشد. در اینجا چند مثال وجود دارد:
// correct
void shutdownScheduled();
void navigationRequested();
void onShutdownScheduled();
void onNavigationRequested();
// incorrect
void shutdown();
void navigateToHomeView();
void onShutdown();
void slotNavigateToHomeView();
فرمت کردن کد
The Qt 5.15.0 version of qmlformat has some issues dealing with comment sections and currently does not discriminate against max columns, so this formatting style will continue to be used in the guidelines. The following is a comprehensive sample component, adapted from https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-codingconventions.html, that attempts to illustrate the ideally formatted component.
* authored by/copyright …
// Id always on the first line, and always present and called root
// for root component. Only present if referenced for children.
// Multi-line comments use '//'.
// There should always be a brief description of a component.
// Multi-line comments start with a capital letter and end with
// a period.
Rectangle {
id: root
// property declarations
property bool thumbnail: false
property alias image: photoImage.source
// signal declarations
signal clicked
// javascript functions
function doSomething(x) {
return x + photoImage.width
// object properties
color: "gray"
// try to group related properties together
x: 20
y: 20
height: 150
// large bindings
width: {
// Always space all operators, and add a single space
// before opening brackets.
if (photoImage.width > 200) {
} else {
// child objects (contentItem, defaults, etc. first)
Rectangle {
id: border
anchors.centerIn: parent
color: "white"
Image {
id: photoImage
anchors.centerIn: parent
Text {
anchors.centerIn: photoImage
// Use the ellipsis character (…) for manual ellision within
// UI text and don't translate untranslatables.
text: qsTr("an emoji: %1 and a number: %2 …").arg("💡").arg(42)
// states
states: State {
name: "selected"
PropertyChanges {
target: border
color: "red"
// transitions
transitions: Transition {
from: ""
to: "selected"
ColorAnimation {
target: border
duration: 200
JS code formatting
Please configure the IDE to format using the clang-format file in src/app/js/
Ideally, any JS code should be located in that directory, and the clang-format file should be used to format the code.
JS files that serve as utilities or are not part of the main application should all be located in the src/app/js/
If for some reason a JS code file must be included elsewhere, please copy the clang-format file to that directory and use it to format the code.