Stable release
Ubuntu 24.10
Click here to download the DEB installation file for Ubuntu 24.10.
Alternatively, open the Terminal and enter the commands:
sudo apt install gnupg dirmngr ca-certificates curl --no-install-recommends curl -s https://dl.jami.net/public-key.gpg | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/jami-archive-keyring.gpg > /dev/null sudo sh -c "echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jami-archive-keyring.gpg] https://dl.jami.net/stable/ubuntu_24.10/ jami main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jami.list" sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install jami
Ubuntu 24.04
Click here to download the DEB installation file for Ubuntu 24.04.
Alternatively, open the Terminal and enter the commands:
sudo apt install gnupg dirmngr ca-certificates curl --no-install-recommends curl -s https://dl.jami.net/public-key.gpg | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/jami-archive-keyring.gpg > /dev/null sudo sh -c "echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jami-archive-keyring.gpg] https://dl.jami.net/stable/ubuntu_24.04/ jami main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jami.list" sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install jami
Ubuntu 22.04
Click here to download the DEB installation file for Ubuntu 22.04.
Alternatively, open the Terminal and enter the commands:
sudo apt install gnupg dirmngr ca-certificates curl --no-install-recommends curl -s https://dl.jami.net/public-key.gpg | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/jami-archive-keyring.gpg > /dev/null sudo sh -c "echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jami-archive-keyring.gpg] https://dl.jami.net/stable/ubuntu_22.04/ jami main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jami.list" sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install jami
Beta release
Ubuntu 24.10
Click here to download the beta DEB installation file for Ubuntu 24.10.
Alternatively, open the Terminal and enter the commands:
sudo apt install gnupg dirmngr ca-certificates curl --no-install-recommends curl -s https://dl.jami.net/public-key.gpg | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/jami-archive-keyring.gpg > /dev/null sudo sh -c "echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jami-archive-keyring.gpg] https://dl.jami.net/nightly/ubuntu_24.10/ jami main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jami.list" sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install jami
Ubuntu 24.04
Click here to download the beta DEB installation file for Ubuntu 24.04.
Alternatively, open the Terminal and enter the commands:
sudo apt install gnupg dirmngr ca-certificates curl --no-install-recommends curl -s https://dl.jami.net/public-key.gpg | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/jami-archive-keyring.gpg > /dev/null sudo sh -c "echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jami-archive-keyring.gpg] https://dl.jami.net/nightly/ubuntu_24.04/ jami main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jami.list" sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install jami
Ubuntu 22.04
Click here to download the beta DEB installation file for Ubuntu 22.04.
Alternatively, open the Terminal and enter the commands:
sudo apt install gnupg dirmngr ca-certificates curl --no-install-recommends curl -s https://dl.jami.net/public-key.gpg | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/jami-archive-keyring.gpg > /dev/null sudo sh -c "echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jami-archive-keyring.gpg] https://dl.jami.net/nightly/ubuntu_22.04/ jami main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jami.list" sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install jami