
Jami application

To download and install the Jami application, select the app store, the operating system, or the platform:


To set up any number of SIP accounts, Jami accounts, and JAMS accounts on one or multiple devices, visit the:

Add yourself


This is one of the many unique features of Jami.

Add yourself as a contact to enable:

  • Peer-to-peer (without a third-party server) file transfers between your devices.

  • Calling your account on other devices if you forget where the device is.

  • Having one account shared in a family or organization to answer calls from shared contacts.

  • Calling yourself to talk with members in the family or organization who are at different locations.

  • Writing notes and lists to yourself that are available on all your devices.

  • Other use cases that are not listed here.

Back up JAMI protocol accounts


If a JAMI protocol account has no account backup and is removed from all linked devices, the account is unable to be retrieved.

Back up all JAMI protocol accounts.

Jami on servers

Click here to set up Jami on servers that are always online.

Jami extensions

«Image: Extensions»


Jami extensions for Android and Jami extensions for Desktop could be in one file; however, it is often chosen to distribute the extensions separately for Jami for Desktop and Jami for Android to have smaller file sizes.

The Jami extensions for Desktop include multiple architectures (GNU/Linux, macOS, and Windows), and the extension preferences system is designed around a declarative mechanism to allow a native presentation of extension preferences across various Jami applications (i.e., the Jami client and the user interface (UI)).

The JXD (Jami eXtension for Desktop) file extension and the JXA (Jami eXtension for Android) file extension could be merged to the JXU (Jami eXtension Unified) file extension, as the Jami extension system is a unified format.

Unfortunately the “marketing” name for plugins was changed to extensions after years of development, and it would be too much work to change everything to extensions.

Currently, the consensus is to keep the JPL file extension, even if it is inconsistent with the UI, as most users would manage extensions through the Jami UI.


Jami accounts and extensions have the description and file extension as shown below:

  • Jami account (*.jac)

  • Jami extension (*.jpl)


  • Android includes both Android and Android TV devices.

  • Desktop means devices with the Apple macOS, a GNU/Linux, or the Microsoft Windows operating systems.

  • iOS means iPad and iPhone devices with the iOS operating system.

  • Web means access with a web browser.

To download and install Jami extensions, select the Jami application: