Enviando o seu primeiro patch
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Set up Git and SSH to work smoothly with Gerrit. First see Creating a gerrit review.
Configuração SSH
Generate a personal, dedicated public/private key set.
ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/jami_gerrit_review`
Your identification has been saved in jami_gerrit_review
Your public key has been saved in jami_gerrit_review.pub
Tell Gerrit your public key.
Set up your local SSH (via
or in~/.ssh/config
).Test all of the above (SSH on the service or just try to clone a repo on Gerrit via SSH).
Your repository
Isto assume que você tenha retirado qualquer clone de projeto existente.
Clone a (fresh) copy of the project,
git clone ssh://USERNAME@review.jami.net:29420/PROJECT_NAME_GOES_HERE.git
; e.g.,git clone ssh://foo@review.jami.net:29420/jami-project.git
.Configure this clone’s local .git/config (optional).
Generate commit Change-Ids. Also known as commit-msg hook script.
A shell script to be installed to .git/hooks/commit-msg.
O script cria um hash único Change_ID: para cada comit feito a partir do seu repositório.
The first time you attempt a push to review
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master
, Gerrit will notice a lack of Change-Id.Gerrit também apresentará uma cadeia de cópia segura (scp). Use that para baixar uma cópia de.git/hooks/commit-msg.