Design Process


  • Client: The person who is paying for the feature (and can be the PO because it's a R&D project)


  1. Ideas:

    • The client come with a new Idea

  2. Ask for justifications:

    • Context

    • Who (user definitions)

    • Why do we want this feature

    • When do we want this feature

    • Where do we want this feature (platforms)

    • Priority

  3. Decide if we want or not this feature, Yes/No

  4. If yes, Brainstorming

    • Should be the max of person (users/tech/client)

  5. Produce a brief of the feature (User Story, Details from step 2, Notes from Step 4.) => Meta ticket on GitLab

  6. Create UX Wireframe

  7. Validation (user/technical/client) Yes/No

  8. If no, return to step 6.

  9. If validated, POC (Adobe XD/Figma)

  10. Validation (user/technical/client) Yes/No

  11. If no, return to step 9.

  12. Create sub-tickets (GitLab) with design specification, resources evaluation (time/resource)

  13. Prioritize or stop the process (too much time needed)

  14. Develop

  15. Validate implementation (Design + client) - YES/No

  16. If no return to 12.

  17. If validated merge and release!