Working with Gerrit

Account setup

  1. Sign in with your Google, GitHub, or account.

  2. You'll also need to upload an SSH key to be able to commit changes for review.

  3. Don't forget to select a username.

  4. Finally, the email address specified in your git config must match one of the email addresses registered with your Gerrit account.


For Savoir-faire Linux Inc. employees: please continue to use your email address.

To view your Git config

git config --list

To test your SSH access

To check that your SSH access is properly set up, run the following command:

ssh -p 29420 <username>

is your Gerrit username that you should have set during the account creation. If not, you can do that here.

If your access is granted, you should see a message like:

****    Welcome to Gerrit Code Review    ****

Hi, you have successfully connected over SSH.

  Unfortunately, interactive shells are disabled.
  To clone a hosted Git repository, use:

  git clone ssh://<username>

Connection to closed.

Git configuration

Gerrit is the official Git repository.

To update the configuration

You must update your remote information to now use the Gerrit repository. To do that, update your origin URL:

git remote set-url origin ssh://<username><project_name>

Replace <project_name> with the correct project (example: jami-daemon).

Or clone the existing repository if you want to start fresh.

To Push by Default in refs/for/master

You can configure Git to automatically create a review when a change is pushed.

git config remote.origin.push HEAD:refs/for/master

To Create the Review

When pushing to this magic branch, a review will automatically be created on Gerrit.

git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master

If you configured the default to refs/for/master as described above, simply

git push

If HEAD currently points to the branch with the commits you'd like to push. Ideally, you should work in a feature/bug branch for the issue at hand. Then you can do:

git push origin <bugfix_branchname>:refs/for/master

If this is the first time you've pushed, you will be prompted to install a post-commit hook to insert a Change-ID in your commit message. Gerrit needs this to track patch sets and will reject pushes until you install it. Simply copy and paste the command to install the hook as instructed by Gerrit and amend your commits.

To push a private patch

You can push a work in progress (a.k.a. draft) by pushing to refs/for/master%private.

For instance, you may want a "private" remote to push to; open <project_dir>/.git/config and add:

[remote "private"]

    url = ssh://<username>
    push = HEAD:refs/for/master%private


git push private

Private work the same way as patchsets, except they are not visible to others by default and don't trigger any Jenkins builds. A draft can then be shared or published.