LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/sip - sipaccount_config.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 160 201 79.6 %
Date: 2024-12-21 08:56:24 Functions: 8 9 88.9 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             :  *  Copyright (C) 2004-2024 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
       3             :  *
       4             :  *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
       5             :  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
       6             :  *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
       7             :  *  (at your option) any later version.
       8             :  *
       9             :  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      10             :  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      12             :  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
      13             :  *
      14             :  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
      15             :  *  along with this program. If not, see <>.
      16             :  */
      17             : #include "sipaccount_config.h"
      18             : #include "account_const.h"
      19             : #include "account_schema.h"
      20             : #include "config/yamlparser.h"
      21             : 
      22             : extern "C" {
      23             : #include <pjlib-util/md5.h>
      24             : }
      25             : 
      26             : namespace jami {
      27             : 
      28             : namespace Conf {
      29             : constexpr const char* ID_KEY = "id";
      30             : constexpr const char* USERNAME_KEY = "username";
      31             : constexpr const char* BIND_ADDRESS_KEY = "bindAddress";
      32             : constexpr const char* INTERFACE_KEY = "interface";
      33             : constexpr const char* PORT_KEY = "port";
      34             : constexpr const char* PUBLISH_ADDR_KEY = "publishAddr";
      35             : constexpr const char* PUBLISH_PORT_KEY = "publishPort";
      36             : constexpr const char* SAME_AS_LOCAL_KEY = "sameasLocal";
      37             : constexpr const char* DTMF_TYPE_KEY = "dtmfType";
      38             : constexpr const char* SERVICE_ROUTE_KEY = "serviceRoute";
      39             : constexpr const char* ALLOW_IP_AUTO_REWRITE = "allowIPAutoRewrite";
      40             : constexpr const char* PRESENCE_ENABLED_KEY = "presenceEnabled";
      41             : constexpr const char* PRESENCE_PUBLISH_SUPPORTED_KEY = "presencePublishSupported";
      42             : constexpr const char* PRESENCE_SUBSCRIBE_SUPPORTED_KEY = "presenceSubscribeSupported";
      43             : constexpr const char* PRESENCE_STATUS_KEY = "presenceStatus";
      44             : constexpr const char* PRESENCE_NOTE_KEY = "presenceNote";
      45             : constexpr const char* PRESENCE_MODULE_ENABLED_KEY = "presenceModuleEnabled";
      46             : constexpr const char* KEEP_ALIVE_ENABLED = "keepAliveEnabled";
      47             : 
      48             : constexpr const char* const TLS_KEY = "tls";
      49             : constexpr const char* CERTIFICATE_KEY = "certificate";
      50             : constexpr const char* CALIST_KEY = "calist";
      51             : constexpr const char* TLS_PORT_KEY = "tlsPort";
      52             : constexpr const char* CIPHERS_KEY = "ciphers";
      53             : constexpr const char* TLS_ENABLE_KEY = "enable";
      54             : constexpr const char* METHOD_KEY = "method";
      55             : constexpr const char* TIMEOUT_KEY = "timeout";
      56             : constexpr const char* TLS_PASSWORD_KEY = "password";
      57             : constexpr const char* PRIVATE_KEY_KEY = "privateKey";
      58             : constexpr const char* REQUIRE_CERTIF_KEY = "requireCertif";
      59             : constexpr const char* SERVER_KEY = "server";
      60             : constexpr const char* VERIFY_CLIENT_KEY = "verifyClient";
      61             : constexpr const char* VERIFY_SERVER_KEY = "verifyServer";
      62             : constexpr const char* DISABLE_SECURE_DLG_CHECK = "disableSecureDlgCheck";
      63             : 
      64             : constexpr const char* STUN_ENABLED_KEY = "stunEnabled";
      65             : constexpr const char* STUN_SERVER_KEY = "stunServer";
      66             : constexpr const char* CRED_KEY = "credential";
      67             : constexpr const char* SRTP_KEY = "srtp";
      68             : constexpr const char* KEY_EXCHANGE_KEY = "keyExchange";
      69             : constexpr const char* RTP_FALLBACK_KEY = "rtpFallback";
      70             : } // namespace Conf
      71             : 
      72             : static const SipAccountConfig DEFAULT_CONFIG {};
      73             : static constexpr unsigned MIN_REGISTRATION_TIME = 60;                  // seconds
      74             : 
      75             : using yaml_utils::parseValueOptional;
      76             : using yaml_utils::parseVectorMap;
      77             : 
      78             : void
      79         224 : SipAccountConfig::serialize(YAML::Emitter& out) const
      80             : {
      81         224 :     out << YAML::BeginMap;
      82         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::ID_KEY << YAML::Value << id;
      83         224 :     SipAccountBaseConfig::serializeDiff(out, DEFAULT_CONFIG);
      84             : 
      85         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::BIND_ADDRESS_KEY << YAML::Value << bindAddress;
      86         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::PORT_KEY << YAML::Value << localPort;
      87         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::PUBLISH_PORT_KEY << YAML::Value << publishedPort;
      88             : 
      89         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::USERNAME_KEY << YAML::Value << username;
      90             : 
      91             :     // each credential is a map, and we can have multiple credentials
      92         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::CRED_KEY << YAML::Value << getCredentials();
      93             : 
      94         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::KEEP_ALIVE_ENABLED << YAML::Value << registrationRefreshEnabled;
      95             : 
      96             :     //out << YAML::Key << PRESENCE_MODULE_ENABLED_KEY << YAML::Value
      97             :     //    << (presence_ and presence_->isEnabled());
      98             : 
      99             :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_EXPIRE << YAML::Value
     100         224 :         << registrationExpire;
     101         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::SERVICE_ROUTE_KEY << YAML::Value << serviceRoute;
     102         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::ALLOW_IP_AUTO_REWRITE << YAML::Value << allowIPAutoRewrite;
     103         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::STUN_ENABLED_KEY << YAML::Value << stunEnabled;
     104         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::STUN_SERVER_KEY << YAML::Value << stunServer;
     105             : 
     106             :     // tls submap
     107         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::TLS_KEY << YAML::Value << YAML::BeginMap;
     108         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::CALIST_KEY << YAML::Value << tlsCaListFile;
     109         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::CERTIFICATE_KEY << YAML::Value << tlsCertificateFile;
     110         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::TLS_PASSWORD_KEY << YAML::Value << tlsPassword;
     111         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::PRIVATE_KEY_KEY << YAML::Value << tlsPrivateKeyFile;
     112         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::TLS_ENABLE_KEY << YAML::Value << tlsEnable;
     113         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::TLS_PORT_KEY << YAML::Value << tlsListenerPort;
     114         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::VERIFY_CLIENT_KEY << YAML::Value << tlsVerifyClient;
     115         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::VERIFY_SERVER_KEY << YAML::Value << tlsVerifyServer;
     116         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::REQUIRE_CERTIF_KEY << YAML::Value << tlsRequireClientCertificate;
     117         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::DISABLE_SECURE_DLG_CHECK << YAML::Value << tlsDisableSecureDlgCheck;
     118         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::TIMEOUT_KEY << YAML::Value << tlsNegotiationTimeout;
     119         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::CIPHERS_KEY << YAML::Value << tlsCiphers;
     120         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::METHOD_KEY << YAML::Value << tlsMethod;
     121         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::SERVER_KEY << YAML::Value << tlsServerName;
     122         224 :     out << YAML::EndMap;
     123             : 
     124             :     // srtp submap
     125         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::SRTP_KEY << YAML::Value << YAML::BeginMap;
     126             :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::KEY_EXCHANGE_KEY << YAML::Value
     127         224 :         << sip_utils::getKeyExchangeName(srtpKeyExchange);
     128         224 :     out << YAML::Key << Conf::RTP_FALLBACK_KEY << YAML::Value << srtpFallback;
     129         224 :     out << YAML::EndMap;
     130             : 
     131         224 :     out << YAML::EndMap;
     132         224 : }
     133             : 
     134             : void
     135           0 : SipAccountConfig::unserialize(const YAML::Node& node)
     136             : {
     137           0 :     SipAccountBaseConfig::unserialize(node);
     138           0 :     parseValueOptional(node, Conf::USERNAME_KEY, username);
     139           0 :     parseValueOptional(node, Conf::BIND_ADDRESS_KEY, bindAddress);
     140           0 :     parseValueOptional(node, Conf::PORT_KEY, localPort);
     141           0 :     parseValueOptional(node, Conf::PUBLISH_PORT_KEY, publishedPort);
     142           0 :     parseValueOptional(node, Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_EXPIRE, registrationExpire);
     143           0 :     registrationExpire = std::max(MIN_REGISTRATION_TIME, registrationExpire);
     144           0 :     parseValueOptional(node, Conf::KEEP_ALIVE_ENABLED, registrationRefreshEnabled);
     145           0 :     parseValueOptional(node, Conf::SERVICE_ROUTE_KEY, serviceRoute);
     146           0 :     parseValueOptional(node, Conf::ALLOW_IP_AUTO_REWRITE, allowIPAutoRewrite);
     147             : 
     148           0 :     parseValueOptional(node, Conf::PRESENCE_MODULE_ENABLED_KEY, presenceEnabled);
     149           0 :     parseValueOptional(node, Conf::PRESENCE_PUBLISH_SUPPORTED_KEY, publishSupported);
     150           0 :     parseValueOptional(node, Conf::PRESENCE_SUBSCRIBE_SUPPORTED_KEY, subscribeSupported);
     151             : 
     152             :     // ICE - STUN/TURN
     153           0 :     parseValueOptional(node, Conf::STUN_ENABLED_KEY, stunEnabled);
     154           0 :     parseValueOptional(node, Conf::STUN_SERVER_KEY, stunServer);
     155             : 
     156           0 :     const auto& credsNode = node[Conf::CRED_KEY];
     157           0 :     setCredentials(parseVectorMap(credsNode,
     158             :                                   {Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_REALM,
     159             :                                    Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_USERNAME,
     160             :                                    Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD}));
     161             : 
     162             :     // get tls submap
     163             :     try {
     164           0 :         const auto& tlsMap = node[Conf::TLS_KEY];
     165           0 :         parseValueOptional(tlsMap, Conf::CERTIFICATE_KEY, tlsCertificateFile);
     166           0 :         parseValueOptional(tlsMap, Conf::CALIST_KEY, tlsCaListFile);
     167           0 :         parseValueOptional(tlsMap, Conf::TLS_PASSWORD_KEY, tlsPassword);
     168           0 :         parseValueOptional(tlsMap, Conf::PRIVATE_KEY_KEY, tlsPrivateKeyFile);
     169           0 :         parseValueOptional(tlsMap, Conf::TLS_ENABLE_KEY, tlsEnable);
     170           0 :         parseValueOptional(tlsMap, Conf::TLS_PORT_KEY, tlsListenerPort);
     171           0 :         parseValueOptional(tlsMap, Conf::CIPHERS_KEY, tlsCiphers);
     172           0 :         parseValueOptional(tlsMap, Conf::METHOD_KEY, tlsMethod);
     173           0 :         parseValueOptional(tlsMap, Conf::SERVER_KEY, tlsServerName);
     174           0 :         parseValueOptional(tlsMap, Conf::REQUIRE_CERTIF_KEY, tlsRequireClientCertificate);
     175           0 :         parseValueOptional(tlsMap, Conf::VERIFY_CLIENT_KEY, tlsVerifyClient);
     176           0 :         parseValueOptional(tlsMap, Conf::VERIFY_SERVER_KEY, tlsVerifyServer);
     177           0 :         parseValueOptional(tlsMap, Conf::DISABLE_SECURE_DLG_CHECK, tlsDisableSecureDlgCheck);
     178           0 :         parseValueOptional(tlsMap, Conf::TIMEOUT_KEY, tlsNegotiationTimeout);
     179           0 :     } catch (...) {}
     180             : 
     181             :     // get srtp submap
     182           0 :     const auto& srtpMap = node[Conf::SRTP_KEY];
     183           0 :     std::string tmpKey;
     184           0 :     parseValueOptional(srtpMap, Conf::KEY_EXCHANGE_KEY, tmpKey);
     185           0 :     srtpKeyExchange = sip_utils::getKeyExchangeProtocol(tmpKey);
     186           0 :     parseValueOptional(srtpMap, Conf::RTP_FALLBACK_KEY, srtpFallback);
     187           0 : }
     188             : 
     189             : std::map<std::string, std::string>
     190          91 : SipAccountConfig::toMap() const
     191             : {
     192          91 :     auto a = SipAccountBaseConfig::toMap();
     193             :     // general sip settings
     194          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_USERNAME, username);
     195          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_LOCAL_PORT, std::to_string(localPort));
     196          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_DTMF_TYPE, dtmfType);
     197          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_LOCAL_INTERFACE, interface);
     198          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_PUBLISHED_PORT, std::to_string(publishedPort));
     199          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_PUBLISHED_SAMEAS_LOCAL, publishedSameasLocal ? TRUE_STR : FALSE_STR);
     200          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_PUBLISHED_ADDRESS, publishedIp);
     201          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_STUN_ENABLE, stunEnabled ? TRUE_STR : FALSE_STR);
     202          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_STUN_SERVER, stunServer);
     203          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_BIND_ADDRESS, bindAddress);
     204          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_ROUTESET, serviceRoute);
     205          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_IP_AUTO_REWRITE, allowIPAutoRewrite ? TRUE_STR : FALSE_STR);
     206          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_PRESENCE_ENABLED, presenceEnabled ? TRUE_STR : FALSE_STR);
     207          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_KEEP_ALIVE_ENABLED, registrationRefreshEnabled ? TRUE_STR : FALSE_STR);
     208          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_EXPIRE, std::to_string(registrationExpire));
     209             : 
     210          91 :     std::string password {};
     211          91 :     if (not credentials.empty()) {
     212          68 :         for (const auto& cred : credentials)
     213          68 :             if (cred.username == username) {
     214          68 :                 password = cred.password;
     215          68 :                 break;
     216             :             }
     217             :     }
     218          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD, std::move(password));
     219             : 
     220             :     // srtp settings
     221          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_SRTP_KEY_EXCHANGE, sip_utils::getKeyExchangeName(srtpKeyExchange));
     222          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_SRTP_RTP_FALLBACK, srtpFallback ? TRUE_STR : FALSE_STR);
     223             : 
     224          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE, tlsEnable ? TRUE_STR : FALSE_STR);
     225          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_TLS_LISTENER_PORT, std::to_string(tlsListenerPort));
     226          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_TLS_CA_LIST_FILE, tlsCaListFile);
     227          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_TLS_CERTIFICATE_FILE, tlsCertificateFile);
     228          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_TLS_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, tlsPrivateKeyFile);
     229          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_TLS_PASSWORD, tlsPassword);
     230          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_TLS_METHOD, tlsMethod);
     231          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_TLS_CIPHERS, tlsCiphers);
     232          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_TLS_SERVER_NAME, tlsServerName);
     233          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_TLS_VERIFY_SERVER, tlsVerifyServer ? TRUE_STR : FALSE_STR);
     234          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_TLS_VERIFY_CLIENT, tlsVerifyClient ? TRUE_STR : FALSE_STR);
     235          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_TLS_REQUIRE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE, tlsRequireClientCertificate ? TRUE_STR : FALSE_STR);
     236          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_TLS_NEGOTIATION_TIMEOUT_SEC, std::to_string(tlsNegotiationTimeout));
     237          91 :     a.emplace(Conf::CONFIG_TLS_DISABLE_SECURE_DLG_CHECK, tlsDisableSecureDlgCheck ? TRUE_STR : FALSE_STR);
     238         182 :     return a;
     239          91 : }
     240             : 
     241             : void
     242          24 : SipAccountConfig::fromMap(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& details)
     243             : {
     244          24 :     SipAccountBaseConfig::fromMap(details);
     245             : 
     246             :     // general sip settings
     247          24 :     parseString(details, Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_USERNAME, username);
     248          24 :     parseInt(details, Conf::CONFIG_LOCAL_PORT, localPort);
     249          24 :     parseString(details, Conf::CONFIG_BIND_ADDRESS, bindAddress);
     250          24 :     parseString(details, Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_ROUTESET, serviceRoute);
     251          24 :     parseBool(details, Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_IP_AUTO_REWRITE, allowIPAutoRewrite);
     252          24 :     parseString(details, Conf::CONFIG_LOCAL_INTERFACE, interface);
     253          24 :     parseBool(details, Conf::CONFIG_PUBLISHED_SAMEAS_LOCAL, publishedSameasLocal);
     254          24 :     parseString(details, Conf::CONFIG_PUBLISHED_ADDRESS, publishedIp);
     255          24 :     parseInt(details, Conf::CONFIG_PUBLISHED_PORT, publishedPort);
     256          24 :     parseBool(details, Conf::CONFIG_PRESENCE_ENABLED, presenceEnabled);
     257          24 :     parseString(details, Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_DTMF_TYPE, dtmfType);
     258          24 :     parseBool(details, Conf::CONFIG_KEEP_ALIVE_ENABLED, registrationRefreshEnabled);
     259          24 :     parseInt(details, Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_EXPIRE, registrationExpire);
     260             : 
     261             :     // srtp settings
     262          24 :     parseBool(details, Conf::CONFIG_SRTP_RTP_FALLBACK, srtpFallback);
     263          24 :     auto iter = details.find(Conf::CONFIG_SRTP_KEY_EXCHANGE);
     264          24 :     if (iter != details.end())
     265          24 :         srtpKeyExchange = sip_utils::getKeyExchangeProtocol(iter->second);
     266             : 
     267          24 :     if (credentials.empty()) { // credentials not set, construct 1 entry
     268          24 :         JAMI_WARN("No credentials set, inferring them...");
     269          24 :         std::map<std::string, std::string> map;
     270          24 :         map[Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_USERNAME] = username;
     271          24 :         parseString(details, Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD, map[Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD]);
     272          24 :         map[Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_REALM] = "*";
     273          48 :         setCredentials({map});
     274          24 :     }
     275             : 
     276             :     // ICE - STUN
     277          24 :     parseBool(details, Conf::CONFIG_STUN_ENABLE, stunEnabled);
     278          24 :     parseString(details, Conf::CONFIG_STUN_SERVER, stunServer);
     279             : 
     280             :     // TLS
     281          24 :     parseBool(details, Conf::CONFIG_TLS_ENABLE, tlsEnable);
     282          24 :     parseInt(details, Conf::CONFIG_TLS_LISTENER_PORT, tlsListenerPort);
     283          24 :     parsePath(details, Conf::CONFIG_TLS_CA_LIST_FILE, tlsCaListFile, path);
     284          24 :     parsePath(details, Conf::CONFIG_TLS_CERTIFICATE_FILE, tlsCertificateFile, path);
     285          24 :     parsePath(details, Conf::CONFIG_TLS_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, tlsPrivateKeyFile, path);
     286          24 :     parseString(details, Conf::CONFIG_TLS_PASSWORD, tlsPassword);
     287          24 :     parseString(details, Conf::CONFIG_TLS_METHOD, tlsMethod);
     288          24 :     parseString(details, Conf::CONFIG_TLS_CIPHERS, tlsCiphers);
     289          24 :     parseString(details, Conf::CONFIG_TLS_SERVER_NAME, tlsServerName);
     290          24 :     parseBool(details, Conf::CONFIG_TLS_VERIFY_SERVER, tlsVerifyServer);
     291          24 :     parseBool(details, Conf::CONFIG_TLS_VERIFY_CLIENT, tlsVerifyClient);
     292          24 :     parseBool(details, Conf::CONFIG_TLS_REQUIRE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE, tlsRequireClientCertificate);
     293          24 :     parseBool(details, Conf::CONFIG_TLS_DISABLE_SECURE_DLG_CHECK, tlsDisableSecureDlgCheck);
     294          24 :     parseInt(details, Conf::CONFIG_TLS_NEGOTIATION_TIMEOUT_SEC, tlsNegotiationTimeout);
     295          24 : }
     296             : 
     297          24 : SipAccountConfig::Credentials::Credentials(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& cred)
     298             : {
     299          24 :     auto itrealm = cred.find(Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_REALM);
     300          24 :     auto user = cred.find(Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_USERNAME);
     301          24 :     auto passw = cred.find(Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD);
     302          24 :     realm = itrealm != cred.end() ? itrealm->second : "";
     303          24 :     username = user != cred.end() ? user->second : "";
     304          24 :     password = passw != cred.end() ? passw->second : "";
     305          24 :     computePasswordHash();
     306          24 : }
     307             : 
     308             : std::map<std::string, std::string>
     309         224 : SipAccountConfig::Credentials::toMap() const
     310             : {
     311         224 :     return {{Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_REALM, realm},
     312         224 :             {Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_USERNAME, username},
     313         896 :             {Conf::CONFIG_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD, password}};
     314             : }
     315             : 
     316             : void
     317          24 : SipAccountConfig::Credentials::computePasswordHash() {
     318             :     pj_md5_context pms;
     319             : 
     320             :     /* Compute md5 hash = MD5(username ":" realm ":" password) */
     321          24 :     pj_md5_init(&pms);
     322          24 :     pj_md5_update(&pms, (const uint8_t*), username.length());
     323          24 :     pj_md5_update(&pms, (const uint8_t*) ":", 1);
     324          24 :     pj_md5_update(&pms, (const uint8_t*), realm.length());
     325          24 :     pj_md5_update(&pms, (const uint8_t*) ":", 1);
     326          24 :     pj_md5_update(&pms, (const uint8_t*), password.length());
     327             : 
     328             :     unsigned char digest[16];
     329          24 :     pj_md5_final(&pms, digest);
     330             : 
     331             :     char hash[32];
     332             : 
     333         408 :     for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
     334         384 :         pj_val_to_hex_digit(digest[i], &hash[2 * i]);
     335             : 
     336          24 :     password_h = {hash, 32};
     337          24 : }
     338             : 
     339             : std::vector<std::map<std::string, std::string>>
     340         224 : SipAccountConfig::getCredentials() const
     341             : {
     342         224 :     std::vector<std::map<std::string, std::string>> ret;
     343         224 :     ret.reserve(credentials.size());
     344         448 :     for (const auto& c : credentials) {
     345         224 :         ret.emplace_back(c.toMap());
     346             :     }
     347         224 :     return ret;
     348           0 : }
     349             : 
     350             : void
     351          24 : SipAccountConfig::setCredentials(const std::vector<std::map<std::string, std::string>>& creds)
     352             : {
     353          24 :     credentials.clear();
     354          24 :     credentials.reserve(creds.size());
     355          48 :     for (const auto& cred : creds)
     356          24 :         credentials.emplace_back(cred);
     357          24 : }
     358             : 
     359             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14