LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src - logger.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 37 37 100.0 %
Date: 2024-12-21 08:56:24 Functions: 367 1030 35.6 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             :  *  Copyright (C) 2004-2024 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
       3             :  *
       4             :  *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
       5             :  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
       6             :  *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
       7             :  *  (at your option) any later version.
       8             :  *
       9             :  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      10             :  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      12             :  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
      13             :  *
      14             :  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
      15             :  *  along with this program. If not, see <>.
      16             :  */
      17             : #pragma once
      18             : 
      19             : #include "jami/def.h"
      20             : 
      21             : //#define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS 1
      22             : #include <fmt/core.h>
      23             : #include <fmt/format.h>
      24             : #include <fmt/chrono.h>
      25             : #include <fmt/printf.h>
      26             : #if __has_include(<fmt/std.h>)
      27             : #include <fmt/std.h>
      28             : #else
      29             : #include <fmt/ostream.h>
      30             : #endif
      31             : #include <opendht/logger.h>
      32             : #include <cinttypes> // for PRIx64
      33             : #include <cstdarg>
      34             : 
      35             : #include <atomic>
      36             : #include <sstream>
      37             : #include <string>
      38             : #include "string_utils.h" // to_string
      39             : 
      40             : #ifdef __ANDROID__
      41             : 
      42             : #include <android/log.h>
      43             : #define LOG_ERR     ANDROID_LOG_ERROR
      44             : #define LOG_WARNING ANDROID_LOG_WARN
      45             : #define LOG_INFO    ANDROID_LOG_INFO
      46             : #define LOG_DEBUG   ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG
      47             : 
      48             : #elif defined(_WIN32)
      49             : 
      50             : #include "winsyslog.h"
      51             : #define LOG_ERR     EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE
      52             : #define LOG_WARNING EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE
      53             : #define LOG_INFO    EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE
      54             : #define LOG_DEBUG   EVENTLOG_SUCCESS
      55             : 
      56             : #else
      57             : 
      58             : #include <syslog.h> // Defines LOG_XXXX
      59             : 
      60             : #endif /* __ANDROID__ / _WIN32 */
      61             : 
      62             : #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
      63             : #define PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(a, b) __attribute__((format(gnu_printf, a, b)))
      64             : #elif defined(__GNUC__)
      65             : #define PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(a, b) __attribute__((format(printf, a, b)))
      66             : #else
      67             : #define PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(a, b)
      68             : #endif
      69             : 
      70             : namespace jami {
      71             : 
      72             : /**
      73             :  * Thread-safe function to print the stringified contents of errno
      74             :  */
      75             : void strErr();
      76             : 
      77             : ///
      78             : /// Level-driven logging class that support printf and C++ stream logging fashions.
      79             : ///
      80             : class Logger
      81             : {
      82             : public:
      83             : 
      84             :     class Handler;
      85             :     struct Msg;
      86             : 
      87         654 :     Logger(int level, const char* file, int line, bool linefeed)
      88         654 :         : level_ {level}
      89         654 :         , file_ {file}
      90         654 :         , line_ {line}
      91         654 :         , linefeed_ {linefeed}
      92         654 :     {}
      93             : 
      94             :     Logger() = delete;
      95             :     Logger(const Logger&) = delete;
      96             :     Logger(Logger&&) = default;
      97             : 
      98         654 :     ~Logger() { log(level_, file_, line_, linefeed_, "%s", os_.str().c_str()); }
      99             : 
     100             :     template<typename T>
     101        2180 :     inline Logger& operator<<(const T& value)
     102             :     {
     103        2180 :         os_ << value;
     104        2180 :         return *this;
     105             :     }
     106             : 
     107      105565 :     constexpr static int dhtLevel(dht::log::LogLevel level) {
     108      105565 :         switch (level) {
     109       96034 :         case dht::log::LogLevel::debug:
     110       96034 :             return LOG_DEBUG;
     111        4324 :         case dht::log::LogLevel::warning:
     112        4324 :             return LOG_WARNING;
     113        5207 :         case dht::log::LogLevel::error:
     114             :         default:
     115        5207 :                 return LOG_ERR;
     116             :         }
     117             :     }
     118             : 
     119             :     LIBJAMI_PUBLIC
     120             :     static void write(int level, const char* file, int line, std::string&& message);
     121             : 
     122      105566 :     static inline void writeDht(dht::log::LogLevel level, std::string&& message) {
     123      105566 :         write(dhtLevel(level), nullptr, 0, std::move(message));
     124      105597 :     }
     125        2336 :     static inline std::shared_ptr<dht::log::Logger> dhtLogger() {
     126        4672 :         return std::make_shared<dht::Logger>(&Logger::writeDht);
     127             :     }
     128             : 
     129             :     ///
     130             :     /// Printf fashion logging.
     131             :     ///
     132             :     /// Example: JAMI_DBG("%s", "Hello, World!")
     133             :     ///
     134             :     LIBJAMI_PUBLIC
     135             :     static void log(int level, const char* file, int line, bool linefeed, const char* const fmt, ...)
     136             :         PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(5, 6);
     137             : 
     138             :     ///
     139             :     /// Printf fashion logging (using va_list parameters)
     140             :     ///
     141             :     LIBJAMI_PUBLIC
     142             :     static void vlog(int level, const char* file, int line, bool linefeed, const char* fmt, va_list);
     143             : 
     144             :     static void setConsoleLog(bool enable);
     145             :     static void setSysLog(bool enable);
     146             :     static void setMonitorLog(bool enable);
     147             :     static void setFileLog(const std::string& path);
     148             : 
     149             :     static void setDebugMode(bool enable);
     150             :     static bool debugEnabled();
     151             : 
     152             :     static void fini();
     153             : 
     154             :     ///
     155             :     /// Stream fashion logging.
     156             :     ///
     157             :     /// Example: JAMI_DBG() << "Hello, World!"
     158             :     ///
     159         654 :     static Logger log(int level, const char* file, int line, bool linefeed)
     160             :     {
     161         654 :         return {level, file, line, linefeed};
     162             :     }
     163             : 
     164             : private:
     165             : 
     166             :     int level_;              ///< LOG_XXXX values
     167             :     const char* const file_; ///< contextual filename (printed as header)
     168             :     const int line_;         ///< contextual line number (printed as header)
     169             :     bool linefeed_ {
     170             :         true}; ///< true if a '\n' (or any platform equivalent) has to be put at line end in consoleMode
     171             :     std::ostringstream os_; ///< string stream used with C++ stream style (stream operator<<)
     172             : };
     173             : 
     174             : namespace log {
     175             : 
     176             : template<typename S, typename... Args>
     177       41782 : void info(const char* file, int line, S&& format, Args&&... args) {
     178       83564 :     Logger::write(LOG_INFO, file, line, fmt::format(std::forward<S>(format), std::forward<Args>(args)...));
     179       41782 : }
     180             : 
     181             : template<typename S, typename... Args>
     182       83185 : void dbg(const char* file, int line, S&& format, Args&&... args) {
     183      166371 :     Logger::write(LOG_DEBUG, file, line, fmt::format(std::forward<S>(format), std::forward<Args>(args)...));
     184       83191 : }
     185             : 
     186             : template<typename S, typename... Args>
     187       25046 : void warn(const char* file, int line, S&& format, Args&&... args) {
     188       50089 :     Logger::write(LOG_WARNING, file, line, fmt::format(std::forward<S>(format), std::forward<Args>(args)...));
     189       25049 : }
     190             : 
     191             : template<typename S, typename... Args>
     192         146 : void error(const char* file, int line, S&& format, Args&&... args) {
     193         292 :     Logger::write(LOG_ERR, file, line, fmt::format(std::forward<S>(format), std::forward<Args>(args)...));
     194         146 : }
     195             : 
     196             : }
     197             : 
     198             : // We need to use macros for contextual information
     199             : #define JAMI_INFO(...) ::jami::Logger::log(LOG_INFO, __FILE__, __LINE__, true, ##__VA_ARGS__)
     200             : #define JAMI_DBG(...)  ::jami::Logger::log(LOG_DEBUG, __FILE__, __LINE__, true, ##__VA_ARGS__)
     201             : #define JAMI_WARN(...) ::jami::Logger::log(LOG_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, true, ##__VA_ARGS__)
     202             : #define JAMI_ERR(...)  ::jami::Logger::log(LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__, true, ##__VA_ARGS__)
     203             : 
     204             : #define JAMI_XINFO(...) ::jami::Logger::log(LOG_INFO, __FILE__, __LINE__, false, ##__VA_ARGS__)
     205             : #define JAMI_XDBG(...)  ::jami::Logger::log(LOG_DEBUG, __FILE__, __LINE__, false, ##__VA_ARGS__)
     206             : #define JAMI_XWARN(...) ::jami::Logger::log(LOG_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, false, ##__VA_ARGS__)
     207             : #define JAMI_XERR(...)  ::jami::Logger::log(LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__, false, ##__VA_ARGS__)
     208             : 
     209             : #define JAMI_LOG(formatstr, ...) ::jami::log::info(__FILE__, __LINE__, FMT_STRING(formatstr), ##__VA_ARGS__)
     210             : #define JAMI_DEBUG(formatstr, ...) if(::jami::Logger::debugEnabled()) { ::jami::log::dbg(__FILE__, __LINE__, FMT_STRING(formatstr), ##__VA_ARGS__); }
     211             : #define JAMI_WARNING(formatstr, ...) ::jami::log::warn(__FILE__, __LINE__, FMT_STRING(formatstr), ##__VA_ARGS__)
     212             : #define JAMI_ERROR(formatstr, ...) ::jami::log::error(__FILE__, __LINE__, FMT_STRING(formatstr), ##__VA_ARGS__)
     213             : 
     214             : } // namespace jami

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14