LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/jamidht - accountarchive.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 81 90 90.0 %
Date: 2024-12-21 08:56:24 Functions: 4 4 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             :  *  Copyright (C) 2004-2024 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
       3             :  *
       4             :  *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
       5             :  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
       6             :  *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
       7             :  *  (at your option) any later version.
       8             :  *
       9             :  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      10             :  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      12             :  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
      13             :  *
      14             :  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
      15             :  *  along with this program. If not, see <>.
      16             :  */
      17             : 
      18             : #include "accountarchive.h"
      19             : #include "account_const.h"
      20             : #include "configkeys.h"
      21             : #include "base64.h"
      22             : #include "logger.h"
      23             : 
      24             : #include <json/json.h>
      25             : 
      26             : namespace jami {
      27             : 
      28             : void
      29          95 : AccountArchive::deserialize(const std::vector<uint8_t>& dat, const std::vector<uint8_t>& salt)
      30             : {
      31         285 :     JAMI_DEBUG("Loading account archive ({:d} bytes)", dat.size());
      32             : 
      33          95 :     password_salt = salt;
      34             : 
      35             :     // Decode string
      36          95 :     auto* char_data = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&dat[0]);
      37          95 :     std::string err;
      38          95 :     Json::Value value;
      39          95 :     Json::CharReaderBuilder rbuilder;
      40          95 :     Json::CharReaderBuilder::strictMode(&rbuilder.settings_);
      41          95 :     auto reader = std::unique_ptr<Json::CharReader>(rbuilder.newCharReader());
      42          95 :     if (!reader->parse(char_data, char_data + dat.size(), &value, &err)) {
      43           1 :         JAMI_ERR() << "Archive JSON parsing error: " << err;
      44           1 :         throw std::runtime_error("failed to parse JSON");
      45             :     }
      46             : 
      47             :     // Import content
      48             :     try {
      49        2546 :         for (Json::ValueIterator itr = value.begin(); itr != value.end(); itr++) {
      50             :             try {
      51        2452 :                 const auto key = itr.key().asString();
      52        2452 :                 if (key.empty())
      53           0 :                     continue;
      54        2452 :                 if ( == 0) {
      55        2452 :                 } else if ( == 0) {
      56        2410 :                 } else if ( == 0) {
      57        2368 :                 } else if ( == 0) {
      58        2368 :                 } else if ( == 0) {
      59        2368 :                 } else if ( == 0) {
      60        2368 :                 } else if ( == 0) {
      61        2368 :                 } else if ( == 0) {
      62        2368 :                 } else if ( == 0) {
      63         188 :                     ca_key = std::make_shared<dht::crypto::PrivateKey>(
      64         282 :                         base64::decode(itr->asString()));
      65        2274 :                 } else if ( == 0) {
      66         188 :                     id.first = std::make_shared<dht::crypto::PrivateKey>(
      67         282 :                         base64::decode(itr->asString()));
      68        2180 :                 } else if ( == 0) {
      69         188 :                     id.second = std::make_shared<dht::crypto::Certificate>(
      70         282 :                         base64::decode(itr->asString()));
      71        2086 :                 } else if ( == 0) {
      72           6 :                     for (Json::ValueIterator citr = itr->begin(); citr != itr->end(); citr++) {
      73           3 :                         dht::InfoHash h {citr.key().asString()};
      74           3 :                         if (h != dht::InfoHash {})
      75           3 :                             contacts.emplace(h, Contact {*citr});
      76             :                     }
      77        2083 :                 } else if ( == 0) {
      78          23 :                     for (Json::ValueIterator citr = itr->begin(); citr != itr->end(); citr++) {
      79          13 :                         auto ci = ConvInfo(*citr);
      80          13 :                         conversations[] = std::move(ci);
      81          13 :                     }
      82        2073 :                 } else if ( == 0) {
      83           2 :                     for (Json::ValueIterator citr = itr->begin(); citr != itr->end(); citr++) {
      84           1 :                         conversationsRequests.emplace(citr.key().asString(),
      85           2 :                                                       ConversationRequest(*citr));
      86             :                     }
      87        2072 :                 } else if ( == 0) {
      88          94 :                     eth_key = base64::decode(itr->asString());
      89        1978 :                 } else if ( == 0) {
      90           0 :                     revoked = std::make_shared<dht::crypto::RevocationList>(
      91           0 :                         base64::decode(itr->asString()));
      92             :                 } else {
      93        1978 :                     config[key] = itr->asString();
      94             :                 }
      95        2452 :             } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
      96           0 :                 JAMI_ERR("Unable to parse JSON entry with value of type %d: %s",
      97             :                          (unsigned) itr->type(),
      98             :                          ex.what());
      99           0 :             }
     100             :         }
     101           0 :     } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
     102           0 :         JAMI_ERR("Unable to parse JSON: %s", ex.what());
     103           0 :     }
     104             : 
     105          94 :     if (not id.first) {
     106           0 :         throw std::runtime_error("Archive doesn't include account private key");
     107             :     }
     108          98 : }
     109             : 
     110             : std::string
     111         828 : AccountArchive::serialize() const
     112             : {
     113         828 :     Json::Value root;
     114             : 
     115        4732 :     for (const auto& it : config)
     116        3904 :         root[it.first] = it.second;
     117             : 
     118         828 :     if (ca_key and *ca_key)
     119         828 :         root[Conf::RING_CA_KEY] = base64::encode(ca_key->serialize());
     120             : 
     121         828 :     root[Conf::RING_ACCOUNT_KEY] = base64::encode(id.first->serialize());
     122         828 :     root[Conf::RING_ACCOUNT_CERT] = base64::encode(id.second->getPacked());
     123         828 :     root[Conf::ETH_KEY] = base64::encode(eth_key);
     124             : 
     125         828 :     if (revoked)
     126           2 :         root[Conf::RING_ACCOUNT_CRL] = base64::encode(revoked->getPacked());
     127             : 
     128         828 :     if (not contacts.empty()) {
     129           5 :         Json::Value& jsonContacts = root[Conf::RING_ACCOUNT_CONTACTS];
     130          10 :         for (const auto& c : contacts)
     131           5 :             jsonContacts[c.first.toString()] = c.second.toJson();
     132             :     }
     133             : 
     134         828 :     if (not conversations.empty()) {
     135          19 :         Json::Value& jsonConversations = root[Conf::CONVERSATIONS_KEY];
     136          44 :         for (const auto& [key, c] : conversations) {
     137          25 :             jsonConversations[key] = c.toJson();
     138             :         }
     139             :     }
     140             : 
     141         828 :     if (not conversationsRequests.empty()) {
     142           2 :         Json::Value& jsonConversationsReqs = root[Conf::CONVERSATIONS_REQUESTS_KEY];
     143           4 :         for (const auto& [key, value] : conversationsRequests) {
     144           2 :             jsonConversationsReqs[key] = value.toJson();
     145             :         }
     146             :     }
     147             : 
     148         828 :     Json::StreamWriterBuilder wbuilder;
     149         828 :     wbuilder["commentStyle"] = "None";
     150         828 :     wbuilder["indentation"] = "";
     151        1656 :     return Json::writeString(wbuilder, root);
     152         828 : }
     153             : 
     154             : } // namespace jami

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14