################## Contribute to Jami ################## Contributions to Jami are always welcome and are much appreciated. There are many ways to contribute to Jami, including reporting bugs and issues, contributing code, helping package and maintain Jami for your GNU/Linux distribution or other operating system, as well as contributing to these very docs themselves. Please see below for how to get started contributing to Jami! .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 Reporting bugs and issues ========================= Please see the :doc:`user/bug-report-guide` for step-by-step instructions on how to report bugs and issues you encounter in Jami. Contributing code ================= TODO Packaging Jami ============== TODO Contributing to this documentation ================================== Contributions to these docs are always welcome and appreciated, from small corrections to whole new chapters. This page will walk through the steps to create a new page or submit a correction. The patch review process is the same as :doc:`for any other Jami project `, so we will not explain every command. .. note:: By contributing to this documentation, you agree to make your contributions available under the :doc:`fdl`, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. You are also promising that you are the author of your changes, or that you copied them from a work in the public domain or a work released under a free license that is compatible with the :doc:`fdl`. DO NOT SUBMIT COPYRIGHTED WORK WITHOUT PERMISSION. **TODO: internationalization** Dependencies ------------ You will need Git installed and configured to use your SSH keypair, and an account on the `Jami Gerrit `_, where you would send your patches for review. If you need help with this, see :doc:`the beginning of our patch submission guide ` (TODO). If you want to preview your changes locally in your web browser, you need to install `Sphinx `_, the `Read the Docs Sphinx theme `_, and the `MyST Markdown parser `_. .. code-block:: bash $ pip install --upgrade sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme myst_parser If you want to use the auto-build and auto-refresh feature, also install `sphinx-autobuild `_. .. code-block:: bash $ pip install --upgrade sphinx-autobuild Cloning the repository ---------------------- Clone the repository and configure the push settings like this: .. code-block:: bash $ git clone "ssh://USERNAME@review.jami.net:29420/jami-docs.git" $ cd jami-docs $ git config remote.origin.push HEAD:refs/for/master You may want to checkout a new branch for each contribution/change before you make any change to the files, so that you could easily ``git pull`` any future changes from upstream into your main local branch: .. code-block:: bash $ git checkout -b my-example-change Editing a page -------------- Pages are written in either markdown or `reStructuredText `_. You can click "View page source" at the top of any page to open the raw source of the page and see how it was written. Go ahead and make your changes to the ``.rst`` or ``.md`` files. Previewing your work -------------------- From the base of the repository, run: .. code-block:: bash $ make clean && make html You should now be able to view the documentation in your web browser. The homepage is at ``_build/html/index.html``. .. note:: This documentation does not currently build with the latest version of sphinx. Please see `this issue on GitLab `_ for a workaround and updates regarding this problem. To automatically build the documentation and refresh your web browser whenever you save changes, run: .. code-block:: bash $ make clean && make watch Keep this running in the background, then navigate to (*not* the local .html file). Saving your work ---------------- .. code-block:: bash $ git add source/file/you/edited.md $ git commit Your commit message should look something like this: .. code-block:: none Short summary of your change in present tense Longer description of your change in complete sentences, if necessary. Jami GitLab issue numbers (e.g. GitLab: #445), if relevant. For example: .. code-block:: none Add new page section to contribute guide Add a new section explaining how to add a new page to these docs, including listing it in the `toctree` directive of the containing section/folder index. GitLab: #123 Submitting a change ------------------- The first time you try to push your changes, Gerrit will complain that you don't have a Change-Id in your commit, and provide an ``scp`` command to install the commit hook. After running the command, you should be able to recommit and push your change: .. code-block:: bash $ git commit --amend --no-edit $ git push Modifying your work ------------------- A reviewer may ask you to make changes to your patch before merging it. This is no problem! Simply make the changes, ``git add`` them, and run ``git commit --amend`` to modify the patch. Note the ``--amend`` switch, which is needed to tell git to *amend*/tweak the existing newest commit rather than making a new commit. This is the workflow for updating a proposed change when using Gerrit. Adding a page ------------- If you decide to add a whole new page to the documentation, you must also add it to the ``toctree`` directive of that chapter. For instance, if you added a new page called ``hosting-jams-on-aws-guide.md`` to the Jami user manual in the ``user`` folder, you should add it in the ``toctree`` directive of ``user/index.rst``, *without* the file extension: .. code-block:: reST .. toctree:: ... bug-report-guide hosting-jams-on-aws-guide